Additional Info Menu

This menu page is used to define several information options to be added to the displayed instruments. These settings are independent of the loaded preset and not altered by loading a new preset.


• Group Title
After selecting the Additional Infos key, the Group Title option can be selected. Each instrument shown on the screen belongs to an audio or non-audio group. This parameter is used to enable or disable the permanent display of that group's name in the instrument's screen area. When switched to "permanent", the group name of each instrument will be permanently shown close to the colored triangle in the top left corner. However, the instrument size might be reduced slightly by this. When switched to "temporary", a group name for a single instrument will be shown temporarely after that instrument's screen area has been touched.



permanent | temporary

Default value:




• Loudness Standard Info
This key is used to activate or deactivate the loudness standard info at the upper edge of instruments using loudness measurement.



on | off

Default value:




• Units
This key is used to activate or deactivate the units display next to the instrument's scales.



on | off

Default value:




• Decimal Digits
This key is used to select the size of the decimal digits of the displayed numerical values in the Loudness Num instrument. Selecting Small sets the decimal digit to 2/3 of the size of the digits to the left of the decimal point. When selecting Large, all digits are of the same size.



Small | Large

Default value:




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