AES Status Key Settings Menu

This menu is used to define the keys that will be available in the instrument's and the local Control Bar and to define the routing of the global keyboard.


Please note:
The keys shown in this menu do not affect the instrument's appearance directly. Instead of that, they determine whether or not a key will be available in the instrument's specific Control Bar, specific keyboard, or the "Global Keyboard" instrument. All keys switched to "on" in the Control Bar section will appear in the Control Bar of this instrument. All keys switched to "on" in the Keyboard section will appear in the screen keyboard of this instrument. In the "Global Keyboard" section, individual instrument key functions can be assigned to keys defined in the Global Keyboard instrument.



Control Bar section  

All keys set to "on" in this section will be available in the Control Bar of the AES Status instrument.


• Channel Status
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Channel Status".



on | off

Default value:




• Channel Binary
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Channel Binary".



on | off

Default value:




• Common
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Common".



on | off

Default value:




• Audio
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Audio".



on | off

Default value:




• Active
This key is only available in "Audio" display mode. If selected, the AES Status instrument will show the active audio bits of the digital signal source.



on | off

Default value:




• Data
This key is only available in "Audio" display mode. If selected, the AES Status instrument will show the bit pattern of the digital audio data.



on | off

Default value:




• Next Channel
This key is only available in "Channel Status" and "Channel Binary" display modes. It is used to switch the display to the next audio channel. In this way, all audio channels defined in the audio group the instrument belongs to can be displayed one by one.



on | off

Default value:




• Prev Channel
This key is only available in "Channel Status" and "Channel Binary" display modes. It is used to switch the display to the previous audio channel. In this way, all audio channels defined in the audio group the instrument belongs to can be displayed one by one.



on | off

Default value:




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Keyboard section  

All keys set to "on" in this section will be available in the screen keyboard of this instrument. Using the view function, this keyboard can be positioned and scaled on the screen like an instrument. If all keys are set to "off" here, no specific keyboard for this instrument will be available for screen placement in View menu.


• Channel Status
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Channel Status".



on | off

Default value:




• Channel Binary
This key is used o switch the display mode to "Channel Binary".



on | off

Default value:




• Common
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Common".



on | off

Default value:




• Audio
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Audio".



on | off

Default value:




• Active
This key is only available in "Audio" display mode. If selected, the AES Status instrument will show the active audio bits of the digital signal source.



on | off

Default value:




• Data
This key is only available in "Audio" display mode. If selected, the AES Status instrument will show the bit pattern of the digital audio data.



on | off

Default value:




• Next Channel
This key is only available in "Channel Status" and "Channel Binary" display modes. It is used to switch the display to the next audio channel. In this way, all audio channels defined in the audio group the instrument belongs to can be displayed one by one.



on | off

Default value:




• Prev Channel
This key is only available in "Channel Status" and "Channel Binary" display modes. It is used to switch the display to the previous audio channel. In this way, all audio channels defined in the audio group the instrument belongs to can be displayed one by one.



on | off

Default value:




• Orientation
This key is used to define the keyboard's orientation on the screen. In vertical mode, all keys activated for the keyboard will be arranged in a vertical column. In horizontal mode, they will be arranged in a horizontal row.



vertical | horizontal

Default value:




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Global Keyboard section  

This section is used to assign individual instrument functions to Global Keyboard keys. In this way, one single Global Keyboard key can control functions of several instruments even if they are placed in different Audio Groups. Also, using the Global Keyboard, instrument keys can be controlled externally using the GPIO interface of the TouchMonitor. To assign an instrument key to a Global Keyboard key, first select that instrument key in the "Global Keyboard" section. Then, assign it to one of the available Global Keyboard keys in the "Selection" area.


Please note:
The keys in this section will be available only after the "Global Keyboard" instrument was created in the Non-Audio Group before. Also, at least one key must be set to the "Instrument" key function mode in the Global Keyboard instrument's menu.


• Channel Status
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Channel Status".



on | off

Default value:




• Channel Binary
This key is used o switch the display mode to "Channel Binary".



on | off

Default value:




• Common
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Common".



on | off

Default value:




• Audio
This key is used to switch the display mode to "Audio".



on | off

Default value:




• Active
This key is only available in "Audio" display mode. If selected, the AES Status instrument will show the active audio bits of the digital signal source.



on | off

Default value:




• Data
This key is only available in "Audio" display mode. If selected, the AES Status instrument will show the bit pattern of the digital audio data.



on | off

Default value:




• Next Channel
This key is only available in "Channel Status" and "Channel Binary" display modes. It is used to switch the display to the next audio channel. In this way, all audio channels defined in the audio group the instrument belongs to can be displayed one by one.



on | off

Default value:




• Prev Channel
This key is only available in "Channel Status" and "Channel Binary" display modes. It is used to switch the display to the previous audio channel. In this way, all audio channels defined in the audio group the instrument belongs to can be displayed one by one.



on | off

Default value:




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