Global Key Menu

This menu page is used to configure one key of the Global Keyboard instrument.


Please note:
Assigning a global key to an instrument function is a two-step-process: First, set this key to "Instrument" mode (see below). Then, in the Key Settings menu of the instrument to be controlled, assign the instrument's function you wish to control to this global key in the "Global Keyboard" section. A detailed step-by-step instruction can be found on help page of the previous Global Keyboard menu.



Configure Key n section  


• Name
Initially, unassigned keys will show one of the names "KEY n". After touching it, the name can be edited with an on-screen keyboard. The name entered here will be displayed in the Global Keyboard itself as well as in the "Global Keyboard" section of any instrument using control keys.

To make your work easy, we made settings for the keys 1 to 6 by default as described below. If you won't use this keys, just correspondently rename them with "KEY 1" to "KEY 6".

For example, this key can be adjusted to the Loudness Sum instrument and can be used to start the measuring function of the integrated loudness measurement. This key is defined as instrument function (see "Key Function" below). Additionally, it is adjusted to Pin 2 of the GP IO interface.

For example, this key can be adjusted to the Loudness Sum instrument and can be used to stop the measuring function of the integrated loudness measurement. This key is defined as instrument function (see "Key Function" below). Additionally, it is adjusted to Pin 3 of the GP IO interface.

For example, this key can be adjusted to the Loudness Sum instrument and can be used to reset the measuring function of the integrated loudness measurement. This key is defined as instrument function (see "Key Function" below). Additionally, it is adjusted to Pin 4 of the GP IO interface.

For example, this key can be adjusted to the Loudness Sum instrument and can be used to halt the measuring function of the integrated loudness measurement. This key is defined as instrument function (see "Key Function" below). Additionally, it is adjusted to Pin 5 of the GP IO interface.

For example, this key can be adjusted to the Loudness Sum instrument and can be used to start the measuring function of the integrated loudness measurement. This key is defined as instrument function (see "Key Function" below). Additionally, it is adjusted to Pin 6 of the GP IO interface. But differently to the "START" key, an optionally available value will be deleted first before starting the measurement. This function is started by touching and holding the key. To stop the measurement just loose the key.
• Remote Pin
By selecting one of the pins "2" to "6", the function assigned to this key can be triggered externally. The pin numbers used here apply to the RJ-12-6P6C connector used for the TouchMonitor's GPIO interface. Connecting the selected pin ("active low") to pin 1 (ground) will trigger the function assigned to this key. When set to "off", this key cannot be triggered externally.



Off | Pin 2 | Pin 3 | Pin 4 | Pin 5 | Pin 6

Default value:


Pin 2 is assigned to key 1 for the "Start" function
Pin 3 is assigned to key 2 for the "Stop" function
Pin 4 is assigned to key 3 for the "Reset" function
Pin 5 is assigned to key 4 for the "Pause" function
Pin 6 is assigned to key 5 for the "Start + R (Hüllk)" function


• Key Function
This parameter is used to select the global key's mode: In Instrument mode, the key can be used to control a selectable function of one ore more instruments. In Preset mode, the key is used to load a new preset that can be selected with the "Preset" parameter (see below).



Off | Instrument | Preset

Default value:




Please note:
After a key has been set to Instrument mode, this key will be available in the "Global Keyboard" section of the key settings menu for any instrument that uses control keys.


Please note:
After a key has been set to Instrument mode and it was already assigned in the Global Keyboard section of any instrument, the Key Function parameter will not longer be visible. This is to prevent the Global Keyboard function of that instrument from being deactivated unintentionally. In order to be able to switch the Key Function parameter of an assigned key to Preset mode, this assignment must be deleted first. To do so, please use the Global Keyboard menu of the instrument (Keys > Configure).


• Preset
This option is only displayed after the Key Function parameter (see above) was set to the "Preset" option. The preset selected here will be loaded after the global key is touched in normal display mode.



All internal presets stored in the TouchMonitor


• Visible in View
With this option can be defined, if the key is visible or not inside the Global Keyboard instrument on the display.



on | off

Default value:




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