Global Keyboard Menu

This menu page is used to configure the Global Keyboard instrument. This instrument can be set to contain up to 10 keys that can be used in various ways.

Each Global Keyboard key set to "Instrument" mode can control functions of several instruments even if they are placed in different Audio Groups. For example, the "Start", "Stop" and "Reset" functions of a Loudness Sum instrument, a LRA instrument and a Radar instrument could be controlled by one set of Start, Stop and Reset keys in the Global Keyboard instead of creating separate keyboards for every single instrument. Also, using the Global Keyboard, instrument keys can be controlled externally using the TouchMonitor's GPIO interface.

Alternatively, each Global Keyboard key set to "Preset" mode can be configured to load a new preset.


Please note:
Assigning a global key to an instrument function is a two-step-process:
First, set this key to "Instrument" mode by selecting its button and using the "Key function" option in the Global Key menu page.
Then, in the Key Settings menu of the instrument to be controlled, assign the instrument's function you wish to control to this global key in the "Global Keyboard" section.

A detailed -> step-by-step instruction can be found in the chapter at the end of this help page.


Please note:
One Global Keyboard instrument with up to 10 keys can be configured in each preset.



Select Key section  


• Key 1 to Key 10
Selecting one of the Keys will display the Global Key menu page with the configuration options for this key.

Keys 1 to 3 are set to default values by factory:


Key 1






Remote Pin:


Pin 2

Key Function:




Key 2






Remote Pin:


Pin 3

Key Function:




Key 3






Remote Pin:


Pin 4

Key Function:




Key 4






Remote Pin:


Pin 5

Key Function:




Key 5





Start+R (envel)

Remote Pin:


Pin 6

Key Function:




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Step-by-step instruction  


Please proceed as follows to assign instrument functions to the keys of the Global Keyboard:


On Global Keyboard menu page, touch the key you want to use.


Make sure, that the key of the Key Function option is set to Instrument. (This option is used to define instrument control or preset call up.)


Touch the key of the Visible in view option. Select on, if you want to use the Global Keyboard key on the screen display. If you select off, the key is not visible, but its function can be controlled via GPIO interface using an external key.


Please note:The pin displayed on the Remote Pin option names the corresponding pin of the GPIO connector. If you want to use the GPIO interface for control, switch this pin to Pin 1 of the GPIO connector. Further details can be found in the data sheets.


Touch the Back key below in the Control Bar to get back to the Global Keyboard menu page.


Repeat steps 1. to 4. for the definition of further keys of the Global Keyboard.


Touch the Back key below in the Control Bar and then touch the Back key again. You will get back to the Preset menu page providing the Audio groups and the Non-Audio group. We assume, that one or more audio groups have already been generated.


Touch the Edit Group key below in the Control Bar and then touch the key of the group containing the instrument you want to control with the Global Keyboard.


On the Audio Group menu page, touch the Edit instrument key below in the Control Bar. In the right menu section select the instrument.


On the instrument's menu page, touch the key labelled with Configure. The menu page with the provided instrument keys will be displayed.


In the Global Keyboard section, touch the desired function key. In the right menu section, the keys provided by the Global Keyboard are now displayed.


In the right section, touch the key you want to assign to the instrument's function key.


Touch the Back key below in the Control Bar to get back to the Audio Group page.


Repeat steps 8. to 12., if similar instrument functions of other instruments of this audio group should be controlled with the defined Global Keyboard key.


If all desired instruments of the audio group have been assigned to the Global Keyboard key, touch the Back key or the Done key below in the Control Bar to get back to the Preset menu page providing the Audio groups and the Non-Audio group.


Repeat steps 7. to 14., if you want to assign instruments from other audio groups to the desired key or other keys of the Global Keyboard.


Touch the View key below in the Control Bar. The menu page for the positioning of the instruments on the screen will be displayed.


In the left menu section, touch the icon for the Global Keyboard. At first, it will be placed in the upper left corner of the screen layout grid.


Touch the positioned icon to focus it. Use the Position and Size arrow keys to move it to an empty place resp. to give it the desired size.


Touch the Save key below in the Control Bar. The preset with all its changes will be stored and displayed on the screen after a few seconds.


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