Identification for Logging Menu

This menu page is used to define the identification for the access via network connection. Device name and password are needed to identify the unit, if the LQL - Loudness Quality Logger PC software is used to collect Loudness and TruePeak data from this unit. These settings are independent of the loaded preset and not altered by loading a new preset.



Network Settings section  


• Device Name
Initially, this key will show the name being defined in the system of the unit. After touching the Device Name key, the name can be edited with an on-screen keyboard.


• Password
This key is used to define an individual password to protect the unit of unauthorized access via network connection. Keeping the field empty allows unprotected access. After touching the key, an individual password in plain text can be entered with an on-screen keyboard. It can be overwritten at any time without further notice or warning.


Please note:
If changing the password in the unit, it correspondingly has to be modified in the LQL. Otherwise LQL can't collect data from this unit anymore.


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