Loudness Sum Menu

This menu page is used to configure the Loudness Sum instrument. This instrument is only available after one of the loudness modes or Custom was selected for the audio group the instrument is in. It displays the combined total loudness consisting of the summed single channels of a signal. This instrument shows up to three bargraphs representing measurements with individual integration time constants (Momentary - M, Shortterm - S, Integrated - I). For stereo sources, the L and R channels are summed. For 5.1 sources, the five main channels (5.0) are used for the measurement.

The parameters used for the loudness measurement as well as the channel weighting levels are displayed resp. set using the "Loudness" key in the "Audio Group" menu.



• Bar Orientation  
This key is used to switch the orientation of the instrument.



horizontal | vertical

Default value:




• Numeric
This key is used to activate or deactivate the numerical display of the measured loudness level.



on | off

Default value:




• Colors
This key is used to select the colors for three individual sections of each loudness sum bargraph as well as their peakhold indicators and the background area. After "On" was selected for the "All track" option, the color settings of the "M" channel are used for the "S" and "I" bargraphs as well.


Bargraph background area


Peakhold indicator


Bargraph area above "Operation Range" area, defined by "Headroom" parameter

Operation Range:

Bargraph area between "Normal" and "Headroom" areas, defined by "Operation Range" parameter


Bargraph area below "Operation Range" area




32 colors for each bargraph section


• Active Bars
This key is used to select the loudness summing bargraphs to be displayed in the Loudness Sum instrument.



all active | M | S | I

Default value:


all active


• Peakhold
This key is used to activate the Peakhold function and to set the peakhold time for the Loudness Sum bargraphs. In "manual" mode, the peakhold dots will be displayed permanently until the "Reset" key is used.



off | 1 s | 2 s | 4 s | 10 s | 20 s | 30 s | manual

Default value:




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Tolerance Levels (Audio Group) section  


Please note:
The settings in this menu relate to all instruments of this audio group. If tolerances will be changed in one of the instruments, these changes will also be adjusted to all other instruments of the group providing these options.


• M High
This key is used to define the upper threshold of tolerance range in LU for the "M" bargraph with an individual color selection. The base for the upper tolerance is located at the displayed value of the corresponding Target Level.



0 LU to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU

Default value:


EBU/LEQ(M)/TASA/SAWA: +1.0 LU | ITU/ATSC/CALM/OP-59: +2.0 LU | ARIB: 0.0 LU | AGCOM: +0.5 LU


• S High
This key is used to define the upper threshold of tolerance range in LU for the "S" bargraph with an individual color selection. The base for the upper tolerance is located at the displayed value of the corresponding Target Level.



0 LU to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU

Default value:


EBU/LEQ(M)/TASA/SAWA: +1.0 LU | ITU/ATSC/CALM/OP-59: +2.0 LU | ARIB: 0.0 LU | AGCOM: +0.5 LU


• I High
This key is used to define the upper threshold of tolerance range in LU for the "I" bargraph with an individual color selection. The base for the upper tolerance is located at the displayed value of the corresponding Target Level.



0 LU to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU

Default value:


EBU/LEQ(M)/TASA/SAWA: +1.0 LU | ITU/ATSC/CALM/OP-59: +2.0 LU | ARIB: 0.0 LU | AGCOM: +0.5 LU


• M Low
This key is used to define the lower threshold of tolerance range in LU for the "M" bargraph with an individual color selection. The base for the lower tolerance is located at the displayed value of the corresponding Target Level.



0 LU to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU

Default value:


EBU/LEQ(M)/TASA/SAWA: +1.0 LU | ITU/ATSC/CALM/OP-59: +2.0 LU | ARIB: 0.0 LU | AGCOM: +0.5 LU


• S Low
This key is used to define the lower threshold of tolerance range in LU for the "S" bargraph with an individual color selection. The base for the lower tolerance is located at the displayed value of the corresponding Target Level.



0 LU to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU

Default value:


EBU/LEQ(M)/TASA/SAWA: +1.0 LU | ITU/ATSC/CALM/OP-59: +2.0 LU | ARIB: 0.0 LU | AGCOM: +0.5 LU


• I Low
This key is used to define the lower threshold of tolerance range in LU for the "I" bargraph with an individual color selection. The base for the lower tolerance is located at the displayed value of the corresponding Target Level.



0 LU to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU

Default value:


EBU/LEQ(M)/TASA/SAWA: +1.0 LU | ITU/ATSC/CALM/OP-59: +2.0 LU | ARIB: 0.0 LU | AGCOM: +0.5 LU


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Key Settings section  


• Keys
The "Loudness Sum Keys" menu entered with the "Configure" key is used to define the keys that will be available in the instrument's and the local Control Bar and to define the routing of the global keyboard.


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