Main Menu

The Main Menu is the starting point for global system configuration, licence handling and preset management.



Functions in the left (upper) area  



editing global system parameters



licence handling for software options

Preset Management


creating and editing presets

Edit Current Preset


direct access to the currently loaded preset

Edit Current View


direct access to the active preset view



display of software version, hardware ID, serial and MAC number


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Functions in the right (lower) area  

Export Preset


exporting an internal preset to an USB flash drive (only visible if an USB flash drive was detected)

Import Preset


importing a preset from an USB flash drive (only visible if an USB flash drive was detected with stored presets)

Import all presets


importing all presets from an USB flash drive (only visible if an USB flash drive was detected with stored presets)

Export all presets


exporting all internal presets to an USB flash drive (only visible if an USB flash drive was detected)

Export System Settings


exporting global settings to an USB flash drive (only visible if an USB flash drive was detected)

Import System Settings


importing global settings from an USB flash drive (only visible if an USB flash drive was detected with stored global settings)


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Control Bar functions  

The Control Bar positioned at the lower screen edge is permanently visible while in menu mode. The left section (upper section in vertical screen mode) contains individual keys depending on the menu page shown. The right section of the Control Bar (lower section in vertical screen mode) shows the following global menu functions common to nearly all menu pages:


• Save
This key is displayed after the currently loaded preset was edited. Touching this key will save those edits to the current preset and return the TouchMonitor to normal display mode. This means that the old version of the loaded preset will be overwritten with the updated version. If you prefer to keep the old version and to save the edits to a new preset name, you should use the "Duplicate Preset" function in the "Preset Management" menu before editing.


• Back
The "Back" key works similar to the "Backwards" arrow of a web browser. Touching "Back" will return you to the previous screen. Any parameter edits on the current page will be kept. Touching "Back" repeatedly will display all menu pages displayed before. Touching "Back" in the Main Menu will return the unit to normal display mode.


• Cancel
This key discards any edits made and returns the unit directly to normal display mode.


• Help
This key displays the Help page for the current menu page. Depending on the actual menu page, the Help page will be context sensitive so that parameters highlighted in the menu will be described individually.


Save Preset?

This query might be shown after the current preset was edited and the "Back" key was selected to return to the "Internal Presets" or "External Presets" menu page. Touching "Yes" will save all edits made to the currently loaded preset. "No" will discard all edits.


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