Moving Coil Menu

This menu page is used to configure the Moving Coil instrument. This instrument features a genuine emulation of various moving coil level meter types.

Using PPM, VU, or loudness modes, the L and R channels of a stereo signal can be displayed in one single (L/R or M/S) or two separate moving coil instruments. If two separate instruments are used, they may be displayed in horizontal or vertical arrangements.

Another mode provides a combination of stereo PPM and summed loudness meter. This kind of instrument includes the PPM in horizontal dual mode and an additional scale with a cyan-coloured needle to display one of the loudness values M, S, or I.


Please note:
This instrument is only available in single or stereo channel mode audio groups.


Please note:
This instrument is only available if no PPM instrument exists in the same audio goup. Also, after a Moving Coil instrument was created in a certain audio group, no PPM instrument will be available in that group.


Please note:
This instrument is only available if the Premium PPM software licence (SW20006) was activated on your TouchMonitor.


Common Moving Coil settings  


• Mode
This key is used to switch the instrument between PPM, VU, loudness modes or the combined mode including PPM and loudness displays (BBC mode).



PPM | VU | PPM + Loudness | Loudness

Default value:




• Scale
This key sets the instrument's scale.It is only available in PPM or PPM + Loudness mode. In VU mode, the scale is fixed to "VU Digital". In Loudness mode this option is not available. The display follows the loudness settings of the audio group.
Please note:
The combined PPM + Loudness mode always uses a +9/–9 LU scale for loudness. Scale settings for loudness from the audio group menu are ignored.



BR IIa: 7...1 | BR IIb: +12...-12 dB | BR IIa ext: 7...1 | BR IIb ext:+12 ... -12 dB

Default value:


BR IIa: 7...1


• Arrangement
This key is used to set the way the stereo channels are arranged in the display. It is only available in stereo channel mode audio groups. In PPM + Loudness mode, the arrangement is fixed to "Dual".




PPM mode:


Dual | Dual+M/S Horizontal | Dual+M/S Vertical | Stereo Horizontal | Stereo Vertical

VU mode:


Dual | Stereo Horizontal | Stereo Vertical

Loudness mode:


Dual | Stereo Horizontal | Stereo Vertical

Default value:



for all:


Stereo Horizontal


• Headroom Ref
This key sets the instrument's headroom. It is only available in PPM, VU and PPM + Loudness modes.



-20 to 0 dB in steps of 1 dB

Default value:


-9 dB


• Lead
This key is only available in VU mode. It is used to set the lead for the VU display.



10 to 0 dB in steps of 1 dB

Default value:


0 dB


• Type
This key is used to switch the instrument between L/R and M/S display types. It is only available in PPM mode and for stereo channel mode audio groups.



L/R | M/S

Default value:




• Integration Time
This key is used to set the instrument's integration time. It is only available in PPM and PPM + Loudness modes.



Sample | 0.1 ms | 1 ms | 10 ms | 20 ms | 150 ms

Default value:


10 ms


• S-Mode
This key is used to select the S-mode for the M/S instrument. It is only available in PPM mode, if M/S type is selected or if one of the arrangements with M/S is selected.



M3 | M6

Default value:




• Peak Indicator
This key is used to select the peak indicator's function. It is only available in PPM, VU and PPM + Loudness modes.




PPM mode:


Off | Peak | True Peak | BR Peak

VU mode:


Off | Peak | True Peak

PPM + Loudness mode:


Off | Peak | True Peak | BR Peak

Default value:



for all:




• Numeric
This key is used to toggle the instrument's numerical display on or off.



on | off

Default value:




• BR Peak Threshold
This key is used to select the threshold for the peak indicator when in BR Peak mode. It is only available in PPM and PPM + Loudness modes with the Peak Indicator parameter set to BR Peak.




BR IIa scale:


4 to 7 dB in steps of 1 dB

BR IIb scale:


0 to 12 dB in steps of 1 dB

Default value:



for all:


6 dB


• Loudness Type
This key is used to select the type of the sumed loudness measurement (M, S oder I) for display. It is only available in PPM + Loudness mode and for stereo channel mode audio groups.



M | S | I

Default value:




Please note:
Independently from the selection in the audio group menu, the loudness scale of PPM + Loudness mode is fixed to +9/–9 LU. The +3/–3 LU range is marked with a green line on the scale. Its centre point (0 LU) corresponds to the Target Level selected in the audio group menu.


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Other Moving Coil settings  


• Keys configure
The "Moving Coil Keys" menu entered with the "Configure" key is used to define the keys that will be available in the instrument's and the local Control Bar and to define the routing of the global keyboard.


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