Internal Presets / External Presets

This menu page is used to create new presets or to manage and edit existing ones. Presets can be stored and edited in the internal memory of the TouchMonitor ("Internal Presets" menu page) as well as on an USB storage medium ("External Presets" menu page). The currently loaded preset is marked as "active". Detailed information about the structure and content of presets can be found in the  -> Background: Presets chapter at the end of this help page.

To edit an existing preset, first thing to do is to select the memory area the preset is stored in. This is done with the "internal" or "external" key in the Control Bar. These keys will only be visible if an USB storage medium is connected to the unit. If no USB storage is present this menu page will always show the content of the TouchMonitor's internal memory. Touch the desired function key in the left (upper) area of the Control Bar ("Edit", "Duplicate" or "Delete") followed by the preset to be edited, duplicated or deleted in the "Select Preset" area. Touch the "New" key to enter a menu page for creating a new preset.


Please note:
The internal memory of TMR7-Radio and TMR7-Mount allows for storing up to 5 individual presets. All versions of the scalable TM7, TMR7 and TM9 series allow up to 32 presets.


• New
This key is used to create a new preset. After touching it, the menu page "Preset" is shown.


• Edit
This key is used to edit an existing preset. After touching it, select the preset to be edited. The menu page "Preset" is shown. Please notice that any edits applied to the selected preset will be stored in this preset, overwriting the old version of that preset. To keep the old version of the preset instead and save your edits in a new one, please use the "Duplicate" function (see below) first to create an identical copy before performing any edits.


• Duplicate
This key is used to duplicate an existing preset. The duplicated preset can then be used as a starting point for individual edits. After selecting this key, touch the preset to be duplicated in the "Select Preset" section. Except its name, the newly created preset will be identical to the original one. The new preset is named automatically by the TouchMonitor using the format "P-nn" and starting with the lowest consecutive number not being used before ("P-01", "P-02", ... "P-nn"). This name can be edited anytime using the "Edit " option (see above).


• Delete
This key is used to delete an existing preset. After selecting this key, touch the preset to be deleted in the "Select Preset" section. After having confirmed a security query, the selected preset will be deleted from internal memory or from the USB storage medium connected (see "Internal/External" below).


• Internal / External
If an external USB storage medium is connected, these keys are used to switch the menu between internal memory ("Internal") and the USB medium ("External"). This key is only present as long as an USB storage medium is connected. In the left (upper) area of the menu page, the presets stored in the currently selected memory area are shown.


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Background: Presets  

A preset may contain one ore more "Audio" groups and one "Non Audio" group.

An Audio group uses a dedicated selection of up to 8 audio inputs existing in the unit's hardware and contains one or more instruments using that input selection.

The Non Audio group contains instruments that are not related to audio input signals, for example clocks, hardware status monitors, or the Global Keyboard for the simultaneous function control of multiple instruments.

Using the "View" function, any instruments of all groups defined in a preset can be positioned freely on the screen. The internal memory allows for storing up to 32 individual presets, on TMR7-Radio and TMR7-Mount up to 5. If loading external presets from an USB medium, a maximum of 32 presets can be displayed, on TMR7-Radio and TMR7-Mount a maximum of 5.


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