Radar Menu  

This menu page is used to configure the Radar instrument. This instrument is a high-resolution loudness display visualizing instant loudness, loudness history and true-peak level in a unique circular "Radar" style.
The moving outer ring of the instrument represents the Momentary loudness value changing its color to orange when passing the Target Level (displayed at the "twelve o'clock" position). The area inside of this ring showing concentric circles is called Radar view and represents the Shortterm loudness history. There, the Target Level is marked with a thick circle deviding the Radar view into a Soft part (all values inside the Targel level circle) and a Loud part (all values outside of the Target level circle). The radar is complemented by a true-peak warning and by two descriptors to characterize the entire loudness ‘landscape’ of a program, film or music track precisely.


Please note:
The Radar instrument can not be used with the Loud. Recal. instrument in parallel in the same audio group. In Radar, the Relative Gate is without function.



Common Radar settings  


• Instrument Mode  
This key is used to switch the Radar instrument between its normal circular display and a "Statistics" display of various numerical loudness values.



Radar | Statistics

Default value:




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Descriptor Settings section  


• Sliding Loudness
This key is used to set the time for the Sliding Loudness descriptor that shows the most recent loudness history. Sliding Loudness is a continuously updated measure that doesn’t need to be reset.



3 s | 6 s | 10 s | 15 s | 30 s | 1 min | 2 min | 4 min | 8 min

Default value:


10 s


• Loudness Max
This key is used to set the time for the Loudness Max descriptor that shows the maximum loudness registered since the meter was last reset.



0.4 s | 3 s | 4 s | 5 s | 10 s

Default value:


3 s


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Radar Settings section  


• Descriptor 1
Radar features two numerical readouts below the circular display named "Descriptor 1" (left) and "Descriptor 2" (right). This key is used to set the measurement to be displayed as Descriptor 1.



off | Program Loudness | Loudness Max | Loudness Range | Sliding Loudness

Default value:


Loudness Range


• Descriptor 2
Radar features two numerical readouts below the circular display named "Descriptor 1" (left) and "Descriptor 2" (right). This key is used to set the measurement to be displayed as Descriptor 2.



off | Program Loudness | Loudness Max | Loudness Range | Sliding Loudness

Default value:


Program Loudness


• Speed
This key is used to set the duration of each Radar revolution between 1 minute and 24 hours.



1 min | 4 min | 12 min | 30 min | 1 hour | 2 hours | 4 hours | 12 hours | 24 hours

Default value:


4 min


• Resolution
This key is used to set the difference in loudness between each concentric circle in the Radar display between 3 and 12 dB. Choose low numbers when targeting a platform with a low dynamic range tolerance.



3 dB/div | 4 dB/div | 6 dB/div | 8 dB/div | 10 dB/div | 12 dB/div

Default value:


6 dB/div


• Low Level Below
This key is used to set the "Low Level Below" value that determines where the shift between green and blue happens in the outer ring (circular bargraph).



-30 LU to -6 LU in steps of 1 LU

Default value:


-9 LU


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Other settings  


• Keys
The "Radar Keys" menu entered with the "Configure" key is used to define the keys that will be available in the instrument's and the local Control Bar and to define the routing of the global keyboard.


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