View Menu



General description  

The View Menu is a comprehensive editor used to position and size the instruments and keyboards that were created in the groups of the current preset. All instruments needed must be positioned in this editor before you can watch them in normal display mode. In the left (upper) menu area, icons are representing the instruments and keyboards that are still to be positioned on the screen. In the right (lower) menu area, there's a graphical screen representation divided into 32 x 18 fields by a grid. This screen area shows all instruments and keyboards already positioned. Simple and fast tools are used to position, move or resize elements on the screen or to remove them. After the screen layout satisfies your demands, it can be saved to the current preset using the "Save" key. This will return you to normal display mode showing the new screen layout you created.


Please note:
The use of a USB computer mouse makes it easier to place the instruments on the fine grid.


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Functions in the left (upper) area  


• "Select Instrument for adding"
Each section of this area represents one group defined in the current preset. In each group, icons represent the instruments and keyboards defined for this group. Icons representing keyboards defined for an instrument are recognized by a button symbol and a dotted frame line. The icon frame color corresponds to the identifier color selected for the group that the instrument or keyboard belongs to. Instruments and keyboards are positioned on the screen by touching their respective icon. This way, the icon selected is moved from the left (upper) to the right (lower) part of the screen. Each new instrument positioned will initially drop at the default landing zone in the top left screen corner.


• Remove selected
This key is only displayed in the Control Bar after an icon has been selected in the graphical screen representation in the right (lower) screen area. It is used to remove the selected instrument or keyboard from screen. The removed icons will reappear in the group they belong to in the left (upper) part of the screen. This way, the icon selected is moved from the right (lower) back to the left (upper) part of the screen.


• Rotate selected
This key is only displayed in the Control Bar after an icon of an rotatable instrument has been selected in the graphical screen representation in the right (lower) screen area. It is used to change the orientation of the selected instrument or keyboard from horizontal to vertical or vice versa. Among others, bargraph instruments and keyboards can be rotated. After touching the key, the icon of the selected instrument will rotate as well to show the current orientation.


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Functions in the right (lower) area  


• "Select Instrument, then edit position and size"
The black field displayed in this area represents the TouchMonitor's screen in normal display mode. This is where all instruments and keyboards to be used in the current preset are positioned. To move, resize or remove an instrument or keyboard, simply touch its icon. An icon selected this way is displayed in the foreground, thus without the grid lines across it.


• Position
Use these four cursor keys to move the selected icon on the screen area. Touching a cursor key once will move the icon by one grid. Holding a cursor key will move the icon continuously. Alternatively, a selected icon can also be moved by pointing to a free area of the screen. The icon will jump to that part of the screen.


• Size
Use these four keys to resize the selected icon. Touching a cursor key once will increase or decrease the icon size by one grid. Holding a size key will resize the icon continuously. For increasing an icon, there must be sufficient space around it. If necessary, move the icon to a free area using the "Position" keys before increasing its size.


Please note:
To assure reasonable display formats, minimum dimensions are defined for some instrument types. Decreasing the icon size with the "Size" keys will have no effect after reaching the minimum size.


• Overlapping Instruments!
This message will be shown if two instruments are overlapping each other. For example, this will happen after positioning a new instrument before moving away the last one's icon as they share the same landing zone. The icons affected will be marked with red lines across them. To solve the problem, touch-select one of the affected icons and use the "Position" keys to move it away from the other(s).


Please note:
The "Save" and "Back" keys will not be displayed as long as the "Overlapping Instruments" message is present. You will have to resolve the situation before being able to leave the View Menu.


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Step-by-step instruction for instrument positioning  



Touch one of the icons in the left (upper) menu area to place that instrument at the default landing position in the top left corner of the graphical screen representation. This icon will disappear from its group list.


Touch the icon of another instrument. The message "Overlapping Instruments" will be displayed because both icons share the same landing zone. Use the „Position“ cursor keys to move the second instrument to a free position.


Use the "Size" keys to resize the instrument if necessary.


In the same way, place any other instruments or keyboards needed on the screen.


After all instruments are positioned properly, save the preset touching the "Save" button. The preset is saved together with the screen layout you created and the TouchMonitor returns to normal display mode.


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