Display Mode - Radar Instrument


General Description  

In display mode, the TouchMonitor shows the instruments and their layout defined in the currently loaded preset.

Touching the screen area of an instrument will put this instrument into focus. This is recognized by a colored frame instead of a grey one. The frame color conforms to the identifier set for the group the focused instrument belongs to.

The Control Bar positioned at the lower screen edge contains several keys. It is displayed permanently if the "Control Bar" option in the "General" section of the "System" menu is set to "permanent". Otherwise, it will be displayed temporarily after touching the screen.

The Control Bar has two sections. The left (upper) section shows the specific keys defined for the focused instrument. This makes it very fast to access a specific function of one of the instruments on screen – just touch the instrument and select the desired function.


Please note:
The specific keys that are displayed in the left (upper) Control Bar section can be defined individually for each instrument. To do this, touch the "Edit Instrument" key and select the "Configure Keys" option in the menu. The default value for each key can be set in the menu as well.


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Instrument Description  

The Radar instrument displays momentary loudness and loudness history in a single, unique Radar view. The circular, color-coded display makes it easy to balance audio visually and to see when level falls below or exceeds the end-listener's loudness range tolerance.

The moving outer ring of the instrument represents the Momentary loudness value changing its color to orange when passing the Target Level (displayed at the "twelve o'clock" position). The area inside of this ring showing concentric circles is called Radar view and represents the Shortterm loudness history. There, the Target Level is marked with a thick circle deviding the Radar view into a Soft part (all values inside the Targel level circle) and a Loud part (all values outside of the Target level circle). It is a tremendous help for a mixing engineer or a video editor to know which radar area to stay inside. For example, film sound may fall outside the normal broadcast expectations.

The radar is complemented by a true-peak warning and by two descriptors to characterize the entire loudness ‘landscape’ of a program, film or music track precisely.
By default, the numbers displayed are program loudness and loudness range:

Program loudness is a standardized integrating loudness measurement. If one program should be aligned in loudness with another using only a gain offset, that offset would be the difference between the program loudness values of the two. Practically speaking, both programs should simply be normalized to a certain target loudness. In the United States, the value to aim for is -24 LUFS. That number is directly compatible with AC3's dialnorm parameter, which should also be set to 24.

Loudness range is a standardized measure of the loudness range of a program. It measures the difference between soft and loud parts. From an application's point of view, loudness range is compelling 1) as a production guideline, 2) for prediction of platform compliance during ingest or on a server and 3) for verifying a transparent signal path all the way from the studio to the home-listener. Note that the number stays the same downstream of production, even if a program is later normalized.


Please note:
The Radar instrument can not be used with the Loud. Recal. instrument in parallel in the same audio group. In Radar, the Relative Gate is without function.


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Control Bar - left (upper) section: Radar instrument functions  

With the Radar instrument in focus, the left (upper) section of the Control Bar may contain any or all of the keys described below.


Please note:
Using the "Configure Keys" option in the Radar Menu, any key available for the Radar instrument may be removed from the Control Bar. Only keys set to "on" (default) in the Control Bar section of the "Radar Key Settings" menu are available in normal display mode with the Radar instrument in focus.


Please note:
If more than six keys have been activated, they will be placed on two layers. To toggle between the layers, please use key "More" being displayed on each layer.


• Start
This key is used to resume the measurements of the circular Radar display and the descriptors after they have been paused by the Stop button (see below).


• Stop
This key is used to pause the measurements of the circular Radar display and the descriptors.


• Reset Loudness
This key is used to reset the circular Radar display as well as the numerical loudness values shown in the descriptors.


• Start + R (pulse)
This key is used to start the loudness measurement with a preciding reset. Use the "Stop" or "Pause" key to stop or halt the measurement.


• Start + R (envel)
This key is used to start the loudness measurement for as long as the key is pressed with a preciding reset. To stop the measurement just release the key.


Please note:
This functionality is only available through the GPI port. The on-screen key cannot emulate a latched condition.


• Pause
This key is used to halt the loudness measurement.


• Radar Stats
This key is used to toggle the Radar instrument between its normal circular display and a "Statistics" display of various numerical loudness values.


• Speed
This key is used to set the duration of each Radar revolution between 1 minute and 24 hours.


• Resolution
This key is used to set the difference in loudness between each concentric circle in the Radar display between 3 and 12 dB.


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Control Bar - right (lower) section  

The right (lower) section of the Control Bar always contains the following four keys:


• Edit Instrument
This key is used to directly access the menu parameters of the focused instrument. Any edits in the menu are saved to the current preset using the "Save" key.


• Load Preset
This key is used to load one of the presets stored in the unit’s internal memory or on an USB storage medium connected to one of the USB ports.


• Menu
This key is used to enter the Main Menu. This is the starting point for global system configuration, licence handling and preset management.


• Help
This key is used to enter the onscreen help for normal display mode (this text). Depending on the focused instrument, the help page will also describe the individual keys of this instrument.


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