Display Mode - SSA Instrument


General Description  

In display mode, the TouchMonitor shows the instruments and their layout defined in the currently loaded preset.

Touching the screen area of an instrument will put this instrument into focus. This is recognized by a colored frame instead of a grey one. The frame color conforms to the identifier set for the group the focused instrument belongs to.

The Control Bar positioned at the lower screen edge contains several keys. It is displayed permanently if the "Control Bar" option in the "General" section of the "System" menu is set to "permanent". Otherwise, it will be displayed temporarily after touching the screen.

The Control Bar has two sections. The left (upper) section shows the specific keys defined for the focused instrument. This makes it very fast to access a specific function of one of the instruments on screen – just touch the instrument and select the desired function.
The right (lower) section shows general keys.


Please note:
The specific keys that are displayed in the left (upper) Control Bar section can be defined individually for each instrument. To do this, touch the "Edit Instrument" key and select the "Configure Keys" option in the menu. The default value for each key can be set in the menu as well.


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Instrument Description  

The SSA instrument (Surround Sound Analyzer) is a powerful tool for visualizing serveral aspects of surround signals in parallel. It displays a correctly-scaled graphical representation of the relative volumes in the surround sound field. The interaction of levels (volume, sound pressure level or loudness) and the correlation of all channels in the overall surround sound is displayed graphically, providing a very clear overview. The graphical display has been carefully designed so that the dynamic behaviour of all display elements (house display) corresponds to the subjective listening impression, showing the balance of the surround program intuitively and at a glance.

The Surround Sound Analyzer display is based on the loudness like ITU BS.1770 (k) or other weighting filters. It equates to the listening sound pressure level, when the SurroundControl units and the studio monitoring system are properly calibrated. The axes of the 45° rotated coordinate system use dB SPL, LKFS, LU, or LUFS scales, with a reference mark that is also shown in the loudness and SPL displays in the Program Meter.

The balance between the Center channel and the L and R front channels is generally a critical parameter for surround programs. For this reason, the Center channel is shown with its own display elements showing volume differences between the Center channel and the L and R channels very clearly.

Parameters being displayed are e. g. the balance between front and surround channels and between L-C-R channels, display of either positions and width of phantom sound sources or phase relationships between adjacent channels (correlators) or both, total volume indication, dominant sound events, and many others.

More details and examples can be found on https://www.rtw.com/en/blog/focus-the-surround-sound-analyzer.html.


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Control Bar - left (upper) section: SSA instrument functions  

With the SSA instrument in focus, the left (upper) section of the Control Bar may contain any or all of the keys described below.


Please note:
Using the "Configure Keys" option in the SSA Menu, any key available for the SSA instrument may be removed from the Control Bar. Only keys set to "On" (default) in the Control Bar section of the "SSA Key Settings" menu are available in normal display mode with the SSA instrument in focus.


This key is used to switch the phantom source indicators of the SSA instrument showing the position and width of phantom sound sources. The colors of the lines show the phase correlation of the adjacent channels (green: positive range, yellow: "0" range, red: negative range).


This key is used to switch the indicator for the position of the dominant sound event (dominance vector - subjective sensed acoustic focal point).


This key is used to switch the additional phase correlation meters.


This key is used to activate or deactivate the additional warning display "LFE Phase!". This warning lights up in the lower section of the SSA, if the correlation between any channel and the LFE channel turns to negativ values.


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Control Bar - right (lower) section  

The right (lower) section of the Control Bar always contains the following four keys:


• Edit Instrument
This key is used to directly access the menu parameters of the focused instrument. Any edits in the menu are saved to the current preset using the "Save" key.


• Load Preset
This key is used to load one of the presets stored in the unit’s internal memory or on an USB storage medium connected to one of the USB ports.


• Menu
This key is used to enter the Main Menu. This is the starting point for global system configuration, licence handling and preset management.


• Help
This key is used to enter the onscreen help for normal display mode (this text). Depending on the focused instrument, the help page will also describe the individual keys of this instrument.


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