Display Mode - Vectorscope Instrument


General Description  

In display mode, the TouchMonitor shows the instruments and their layout defined in the currently loaded preset.

Touching the screen area of an instrument will put this instrument into focus. This is recognized by a colored frame instead of a grey one. The frame color conforms to the identifier set for the group the focused instrument belongs to.

The Control Bar positioned at the lower screen edge contains several keys. It is displayed permanently if the "Control Bar" option in the "General" section of the "System" menu is set to "permanent". Otherwise, it will be displayed temporarily after touching the screen.

The Control Bar has two sections. The left (upper) section shows the specific keys defined for the focused instrument. This makes it very fast to access a specific function of one of the instruments on screen – just touch the instrument and select the desired function.


Please note:
The specific keys that are displayed in the left (upper) Control Bar section can be defined individually for each instrument. To do this, touch the "Edit Instrument" key and select the "Configure Keys" option in the menu. The default value for each key can be set in the menu as well.


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Instrument Description  

The Vectorscope instrument displays the phase relationship between a selectable channel pair (Lissajous display). Two entities with 2 channels each are possible (Dual mode). For surround channel configurations (5.0 and above) in TM7 and TM9 (not TMR7), the instrument in single use can be switched to a 4 channel mode. In this case, the L/R channel pair is displayed only in the two upper quadrants while the lower quadrants always show the phase relationship between the LS and RS channels of the surround signal. Dual mode operation is not availbale then.


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Control Bar - left (upper) section: Vectorscope instrument functions  

With the Vectorscope instrument in focus, the left (upper) section of the Control Bar may contain any or all of the keys described below.


Please note:
Using the "Configure Keys" option in the Vectorscope Menu, any key available for the Vectorscope instrument may be removed from the Control Bar. Only keys set to "On" (default) in the Control Bar section of the "Vectorscope Key Settings" menu are available in normal display mode with the Vectorscope instrument in focus.


• Input Select
This key is only available, if one of the Surround formats has been selected for the audio group the instrument is part of and if the Vectorscope instrument is running in 2 Channel mode. It enables the selection of the channel pair to be displayed in the Vectorscope. If there are more then four pairs (depending on the selected format used by the audio group), use the More key to display the further available pairs. Use the Close key to switch back to the function keys.


• Mode
This key is only available, if one of the Surround formats has been selected for the audio group the instrument is part of. It is used to switch the instrument between 2-channel and 4-channel mode. In 4 Channel mode, the L/R channel pair is displayed only in the two upper quadrants while the lower quadrants always show the phase relationship between the LS and RS channels of the surround signal.


• Grid Type
This key is only available if the "Stereo" channel mode was selected for the audio group the instrument is part of. It is used to switch the grid type between L/R and M/S modes.


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Control Bar - right (lower) section  

The right (lower) section of the Control Bar always contains the following four keys:


• Edit Instrument
This key is used to directly access the menu parameters of the focused instrument. Any edits in the menu are saved to the current preset using the "Save" key.


• Load Preset
This key is used to load one of the presets stored in the unit’s internal memory or on an USB storage medium connected to one of the USB ports.


• Menu
This key is used to enter the Main Menu. This is the starting point for global system configuration, licence handling and preset management.


• Help
This key is used to enter the onscreen help for normal display mode (this text). Depending on the focused instrument, the help page will also describe the individual keys of this instrument.


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