Loudness Sum | SPL

Specifications (Extract of the data sheet)

Modes:   EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-4/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM Act, LEQ(M), TASA, SAWA
      customer specific (Custom)
      SPL Meter
Depending on the used loudness standard, certain settings are limited resp. specific values are fixed. Necessary adjustments can be done with the use of the Custom mode.
Customer Specific Loudness Mode
Display:   Bargraphs for each single channel (can be combined with PPM bargraphs)
      M bargraph (Momentary - summation of momentary loudness values of all channels for a short span of time)
    S bargraph (Short - loudness summation value of an adjustable dynamic time frame)
      I-Bargraph (Integrated - long term loudness value infi nite or manual control)
      adjustable tolerance range for M, S, I
Numerical display: for M, S, I values (labelling adjustable), for LRA, TPmax, Mmax, Smax, I-time values
Skales: *)    Loudness Scale:
      EBU+9: +9 .. -18 LU
      EBU+3: +3 .. -18 LU
      EBU+18: +18 .. -36 LU
      EBU+9a: 14 .. -41 LUFS
      EBU+18a: -5 .. -59 LUFS
      EBU0: 0 .. -60 LUFS
      ITU+9: +9 .. -18 LU (Loudness Units)
      ITU0: 0 .. -30 LKFS
      ATSC0: 0 .. -60 LKFS
      ATSC0a: 0 .. -30 LKFS
Weighting filter: K filter acc. to ITU BS.1770
Target Level: *)     -23 LUFS; adjustable in the range from -10 to -30 LUFS in steps
of 1 LUFS
    -24 LKFS; adjustable in the range from -10 to -30 LKFS in steps
of 1 LKFS
Time & Gate Momentary: *)
   - Window Time: adjustable in the range from 200 ms to 1000 ms in steps of 100 ms
   - Integration Time: IEC 125 ms Fast, 250 ms (IRT), 500 ms, 750 ms, IEC 1000 ms Slow, 1500 ms, 2000 ms selectable
Time & Gate Short: *)
   - Integration Time: 3 s; time window adjustable in the range from 1 to 20 s in steps of 1 s
Time & Gate Integrated: *)
   - Silence Gate:   -70,0 LUFS; adjustable in the range from -80,0 to -40,0 LUFS in steps of 0.5 LUFS, switchable
    -70,0 LKFS; adjustable in the range from -80,0 to -40,0 LKFS in steps of 0.5 LKFS, switchable
   - Relative Gate: -10,0 LU; adjustable in the range from -40,0 LU to 0 LU in steps
of 0.5 LUFS, switchable
Level adjustment for the
   summation: *)    0.0 dB (L, R, C), adjustable between -3 and +3 dB in steps of 0.5 dB
    +1.5 dB (LS, RS, LSR, RSR), adjustable between -3 and +3 dB in steps of 0.5 dB
    Off (LFE), selectable: Off, 0 dB, 10 dB
*) Depending on the used loudness standard not all of the listed settings are available.
Tolerance Levels:
   - TP Headroom: -9.0 dB; adjustable from 0 to -20 dB in steps of 0.1 dB
   - TP Arbeitsbereich: 0.0 dB; adjustable from 0 to -20 dB in steps of 0.1 dB
   - M Oben: +1.0 LU; M tolerance above Target Level adjustable from 0 to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU
   - M Unten: -1.0 LU; M tolerance below Target Level adjustable from 0 to -12 LU in steps of 0.1 LU
   - S Oben: +1.0 LU; S tolerance above Target Level adjustable from 0 to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU
   - S Unten: -1.0 LU; S tolerance below Target Level adjustable from 0 to -12 LU in steps of 0.1 LU
   - I Oben: +1.0 LU; I tolerance above Target Level adjustable from 0 to 10 LU in steps of 0.1 LU
   - I Unten: -1.0 LU; I tolerance below Target Level adjustable from 0 to -12 LU in steps of 0.1 LU
Loudness Test Time Control (compare with the specifications of the Loud. Recal. instrument)
   - Functions: Autostart after preset load, autostart with gate, autostart with gate and autoreset, manually via keys or GPI. With Timecode Reader licence (SW20008) activated additional control via timecode resp. timecode with recalculation
   - Level for gate: -70,0 LUFS/LKFS; adjustable from -85 to -10 LUFS/LKFS in steps of 0.5 LUFS/LKFS
   - Functions: manually via keys or GPI, autostop with gate, autostop with gate and time. The stop function is automatically set and fixed to timecode, if the start function has been set to a timecode option
   - Level for gate: -70,0 LUFS/LKFS; adjustable from -85 to -10 LUFS/LKFS in steps of 0.5 LUFS/LKFS
   - Time for gate: 1 s; adjustable from 1 to 15 s in steps of 1 s
SPL Meter Mode
Display:   Bargraphs for each single channel (can be combined with PPM bargraphs)
      Summation bargraph
Reference point: adjustable in the range from 68 dB to 88 dB in steps of 1 dB
Weighting: Linear, A (Leq(A)), C, CCIR (Leq(M)), k
Integration time: Fast (125 ms), Slow (1 s)