
RTW bietet jetzt allen das volle Potenzial des TouchControl 5

Zusammen mit der Veröffentlichung der Softwareversion 1.1, die TouchControl-5-Anwendern mehr von allem bietet, wurde der lizenzbasierte Ansatz aufgegeben.
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RTW Unleashes the Full Potential of TouchControl 5 for Everyone

The license-based approach has been abandoned in connection with the release of software version 1.1 that adds more of everything for TouchControl 5 users.

(6 June 2024, Cologne, Germany) RTW Audio has been part of the professional audio industry for nearly six decades, and a strong focus has been on the audio side of broadcasting, including metering as well as monitor control. With the recent introduction of TouchControl 5, RTW combined these two areas in a single product, entering the broader pro audio field, including music production, post, mastering and more.
Initially, TouchControl 5 inherited the software license concept from the acclaimed TouchMonitor metering solutions, but RTW has now decided to terminate the license-based system for TouchControl 5, which in turn gives full access to all tools and features available for the platform. For existing users, this will happen when they update to the new software version 1.1, and for new users, TouchControl 5 is now delivered with v1.1 and all features unlocked from day one.
New features in v1.1
Apart from unlocking all features, software v1.1 also holds several improvements, many of which are based on user feedback. In the monitoring section, the number of input sources and output destinations has increased from 2 to 4, and it is now possible to ad custom names to them.
Further, significant improvements have been added to the calibration side of TouchControl 5, including the ability to now import and export calibration settings, which allows users to transfer them between presets.
Finally, preset handling, metering, routing and the view editor have also been improved.
“I’m thrilled to announce our exit from the license-based approach, as it makes integrating TouchControl 5 in your production environment a much simpler buying experience,” says Thomas Valter, Director of Product Management and Marketing. “And in addition to that, it also comes much more powerful out of the box with all bells and whistles activated from the get-go at a very compelling price point.”
TouchControl 5 software v 1.1 is now available as a free download to all existing TouchControl 5 users, and new TouchControl 5 units ship with v 1.1 pre-installed.

Über RTW
RTW hat seinen Sitz in Köln und verfügt über fast 60 Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vermarktung hochwertiger Tonstudiogeräte. Das Unternehmen ist Marktführer bei innovativen Produkten für die Messung und Überwachung von Audiosignalen und verfügt über ein weltweites Vertriebs- und Servicenetz. Weitere Informationen zu RTW erhalten Sie auf, oder telefonisch unter +49 221 709130.

Thomas Valter (RTW)

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   Bild Thomas Valter

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