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Searched for r128. Found 53 results.
  1. Stop the Loudness War

    Stop the Loudness War Die folgenden Videos zeigen die brillianten Ergebnisse der Medienmanagement-Studenten der Fresenius Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien, Köln. Die Semesterarbeit im Fach Pro

  2. ... a SSA?

    sL (LS) and sR (RS) surround channels is of particular importance. Highly anomalous frequency dependent correlation levels induce an unimpressive envelopment effect of the sL (LS) and sR (RS) surround [...] in the peak program meter of the instrument. The balance between the Center channel and the L and R front channels is generally a critical parameter for surround programs. For this reason, the Center [...] with its own display elements showing volume differences between the Center channel and the L and R channels very clearly.   Besides the signal level, also correlation and phantom source locations

  3. ... a SSA?

    sL (LS) and sR (RS) surround channels is of particular importance. Highly anomalous frequency dependent correlation levels induce an unimpressive envelopment effect of the sL (LS) and sR (RS) surround [...] in the peak program meter of the instrument. The balance between the Center channel and the L and R front channels is generally a critical parameter for surround programs. For this reason, the Center [...] with its own display elements showing volume differences between the Center channel and the L and R channels very clearly.   Besides the signal level, also correlation and phantom source locations