Archived: CLC – Continuous Loudness Control
Archival: High Quality and Uniquely Sophisticated Loudness and Loudness Range Correction: CLC – Continuous Loudness Control
Next generation audio processing in Live- and Postproduction, for TV and Radio

NOTE: This plug-in/stand alone application is no longer available!
Read article Plug-ins discontinued for further information.
As a plug-in and stand-alone application, the Continuous Loudness Control (CLC) software features a unique visualization and patented loudness processing algorithm mainly developed for live applications.
Thereby, CLC can easily be operated. The target level for Loudness and upper limits for LRA and TruePeak have only to be set to get an excellent processing quality for common broadcasting signals. Additionally, the CLC software includes numerous operation modes for different fields of application.
The Principle
CLC technology with the outstanding “Look-ahead Low Latency” algorithm allows users to constantly adapt the level of audio they are working on, against a given program-loudness value, along with a definable loudness range in real-time with all-time minimal obstacles without sonic discolorations. The CLC algorithm “learns” during processing about the dynamic structure and intention of the sound signal, and adopts its processing constantly to predict what comes next. CLC software is best for the dynamic processing of unknown Live audio, DAW audio, and audio files.
Batch Processing
But also broadcasters are kept in mind, as they receive many different types of audio files (e. g. MXF) and have to prepare them for transmission. Therefore, CLC‘s batch mode offers automated and unattended loudness analysis and processing of audio files. Incoming audio files from different sources are processed according to predefined settings for e. g. different genres; the output is stored in the target folder together with optional report files. Optimized presets and the Expert mode allow to better match requirements for different types of programs and distribution channels.
Operation Requirements