RTW News
New: Version 4.1 of RTW Masterclass PlugIns
Server-based, shareable licenses, new stereo versions, enhanced Pro Tools support and compatibility with the latest operating systems
Cologne, February 5th, 2019 - Version 4.1 of RTW Mastering Tools, RTW Loudness Tools, and CLC - Continuous Loudness Control of RTW Masterclass PlugIns Series is now available.
Beside the well-known multi-channel versions (stereo and surround), the plug-ins are now also available as price-friendly stereo-only versions dedicated to music production and mastering.
The normal multi-channel (surround) versions now support multi-seat licenses that can be shared accorss a local area network. Shareable licenses help larger production houses and broadcasters to easily manage RTW plug-in-licenses for multiple copies across their site or facility.
In the software, the multi-channel features have been improved, as the surround version now aligns with Pro Tools channel layouts from mono to 8 channels, and on the setup menu page, you will find a new channel activity indicator for easy setup of multi channel workflows.
All 4.1 plug-in versions support the latest operating systems including macOS Mojave and Windows 10.
New customers can purchase the plug-ins from our Online Shop.
Existing customers can download the updates in the members area.
Further information can be found on the respective Product pages.

For press inquiries please contact:
Kim Bang
Momentum PR & Marketing
+45 2083 4247