TouchMonitor TM9 with screen layout for immersive audio measurements

Instruments can be scaled, randomly positioned and combined.
This example shows the dual bar display of True Peak and Loudness Meter (left), the EBU Loudness Sum Meter acc. to EBU R128 and other documents (middle), loudness control keys (below), the numerical display of the loudness values S and I (to the right), and the Surround Sound Analyzer (House display, right above) adapted to loudness. All instruments are in one audio group (red marker).
This example shows a nearly classical adjustment: combined Loudness Meter and Peak Program Meter and Loudness Sum Meter along with the Surround Sound Analyzer (House display).
The red marked group in this example shows the Loudness Meter with additional True Peak meter (left) and the Surround Sound Analyzer (House display, above right). The yellow marked group shows an analog PPM with additional SPL bargraphs (middle) and the 2-channel Audio Vectorscope (below right).