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Searched for r128. Found 53 results.
  1. Mastering Tools

    presence and activity indicator Bargraph and/or numerical display Loudness acc. to EBU R128 s1, ITU-R BS.1770-4/1771-1, ATSC A/85, ARIB, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM Act, Leq(), TASA, SAWA

  2. Multichannel Mode

       - SMPTE.TV: L, R, C, LF, LS, RS    - SMPTE.Film: L, LS, C, RS, R, LF    - DTS: L, R, LS, RS, C, LF    - L, C, R, LF, LS, RS    - Film: L, C, R, LS, RS, LF [...] preset for 7.1-Cinema:    - SMPTE (L, LC, C, RC, R, LS, RS, LFE) preset for 7.1 DD+:    - L, C, R, LS, RS, LSR, RSR, LFE Multichannel [...] codec for data reduction, in a sample rate converter or a D/A converter. For codec processing, the EBU R128 recommends a maximum level of -3 dBTP. For all other applications, it recommends a maximum level of

  3. TouchControl 5

    broadcast meters. TouchControl 5 supports all international loudness standards such as EBU R128, ITU-R BS.1770-4/1771-1, ATSC A/85, ARIB, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM, LEQ(M), TASA and SAWA. On top of the [...] bargraph display of the summed Loudness values M, S, and/or I of a Loudness measurement acc. to EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-4/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM Act, LEQ(M), TASA, SAWA, or specified by [...] short time periods. These are measured against the Loudness Range (LRA) descriptor specified in EBU R 128. It is used to show whether a program has a continuously constant loudness or a high variation

  4. TM3-Primus

    Moving Coil instruments with PPM, VU, and BBC modes Loudness measurements acc. to EBU R128, ITU-R BS.1770-3/1771-1, ATSC A/85, ARIB, OP-59, AGCOM, or CALM Act Summing

  5. Instruments

    instrument for displaying the summed loudness values M, S, and I of a loudness measurement acc. to EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-3/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM Act or customer specific on bargraphs

  6. Instruments

    instrument for displaying the summed loudness values M, S, and I of a loudness measurement acc. to EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-4/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM Act or customer specific on bargraphs

  7. Watching Dante® 24/7

    the German broadcaster WDR. Dittsche was a live-transmitted TV show, which had to comply with the R128 loudness standard. In that case, TouchMonitor was an essential tool, helping me to comply." Beside

  8. Company History

    Management is part of PLoud and actively took part in creating EBU R128. Many european countries moved on to mandatory introduce EBU R128. In Germany, it became binding end of August 2012. In parallel, [...] Some months before the EBU R128 recommendation for Loudness metering was mandatory implemented end of August 2012, RTW launched a [...] 5-channel audio vectorscope are shown. The arrangement of the four phase meters of channel pairs L/C, R/C, L/R, and LS/RS above and below of the audio vectorscope allows a clear identification and gives an idea

  9. Immersive Audio With TouchMonitor

    also ideal at revealing channel layout mismatches , for instance if someone confused L-R-C-LFE-Ls-Rs with L-C-R-Ls-Rs-LFE. As we know, audio true-peak overloads can create a large number [...] makes it easy to identify TP overloads on specific channels. Worldwide regulations (EBU R128, CALM Act and more) require broadcasters to guarantee true-peak levels within specific limits for [...] gut dafür geeignet, Fehlanpassungen des Kanal-Layouts aufzudecken, z. B. wenn jemand L-R-C-LFE-Ls-Rs mit L-C-R-Ls-Rs-LFE verwechselt hat. Also, the Immersive Sound Analyzer will indicate

  10. Instruments

    instrument for displaying the summed loudness values M, S, and I of a loudness measurement acc. to EBU R128, ITU BS.1770-3/1771-1, ARIB, ATSC A/85, OP-59, AGCOM, CALM Act or customer specific on bargraphs