Multichannel Mode
Measure Surround Formats and Multichannel: Multichannel Mode
Simultaneous display of multiple channels or channel groups

The Multichannel Mode license expands the basic PPM and TruePeak meter to up to 8 channels in a group processing Mono, Stereo, 3.1 Surround, 5.0 Surround, 5.1 Surround, 7.1 Surround (Cinema and DD+), and to Multi-Channel for 2 to 8 channels in one block and up to 4 blocks with AoIP or 3G SDI. Multiple channels or channel groups can be displayed simultaneously. The Gain Reduction instrument also gets the Multi-Channel mode.
Like in the basic software, analog and digital scales, Peak Hold, Peak Memory, Over indicator and numerical display are available. Loudness bargraphs can be switched with the Loudness and SPL Display license (SW20002).
Input source: | analog, digital, SDI or AoIP, depending on selected audio interface (HW2091n or HW2071n) | |||
Surround-Peakmeter: | for 3.1, 5.0, 5.1, 7.1 formats | |||
Track Layout: | selectable for 5.1 Surround: - SMPTE.TV: L, R, C, LF, LS, RS - SMPTE.Film: L, LS, C, RS, R, LF - DTS: L, R, LS, RS, C, LF - L, C, R, LF, LS, RS - Film: L, C, R, LS, RS, LF preset for 7.1-Cinema: - SMPTE (L, LC, C, RC, R, LS, RS, LFE) preset for 7.1 DD+: - L, C, R, LS, RS, LSR, RSR, LFE |
Multichannel Peakmeter: | 2 to 8 single channels in one defined block (depending on the audio interface up to 4 blocks) | |||
2-Channel Peakmeter: | for different Stereo channel pairs | |||
Single-channel Peakmeter: | for different Mono signals | |||
Display: |
Functions: |
Analog scales: |
Integration time: | acc. to standard or 20 ms, 10 ms, 1 ms, 0.1 ms, additional 150 ms for British scales | |||
Peak hold indicator: | 1 s, 2 s, 4 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, manual reset or off | |||
Word width: | 24 bit | |||
Digital scales: |
Headroom/Headroom Ref: | adjustable in the range from 0 to -20 dB in steps of 1 dB | |||
Operation field: | adjustable in the range from 0 to -20 dB in steps of 1 dB | |||
Integration time (Attack): | acc. to corresponding standard or selectable: Sample, 20 ms, 10 ms, 1 ms, 0.1 ms, additional 150 ms for British scales | |||
Gain: | +20 dB, +40 dB, acc. to standard | |||
High-pass filter: | Off, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz | |||
Peak hold indicator: | 1 s, 2 s, 4 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, manual reset or off | |||
Over indicator hold time: | 1 s or manual | |||
Over indicator PPM: | ||||
- Threshold: | Full Scale, Full Scale -1LSB, Full Scale -2LSB, -0.1 dBFS, -0.5 dBFS, -1 dBFS, -2 dBFS, -3 dBFS | |||
- Attack time: | 1 to 15 samples | |||
- Wort width: | 16 to 24 bit, selectable | |||
Over indicator TruePeak: | ||||
- Threshold: | adjustable |
In the example on the left: A 2-channel Stereo PPM with analog DIN scale
In the example on the right: A 5.1 Surround PPM with TruePeak scale and switched on Loudness bargraphs available with additonal activated licence SW20002
Move the mouse accross the display elements to get the corresponding descriptions.
The PPM or Program Meter provides vertical or horizontal bargraph displays for the individual channels of the active signal source. Depending on the activated licences, the signal level, the loudness or a combination of both are displayed for each channel. Using the Program Meter, please ensure that the levels and loudness values of the individual channels correspond to the requirements defined for the audio program measured.
The signal levels for each channel, displayed in yellow, can be presented as Quasi-Peakmeter (PPM), using one of the common scales such as DIN, British or Nordic, or with the newly developed True Peak scale conforming to the most recent standards. True Peak measurements have been introduced to make sure that high-level audio signals cannot produce unwanted artifacts even when processing them in a codec for data reduction, in a sample rate converter or a D/A converter. For codec processing, the EBU R128 recommends a maximum level of -3 dBTP. For all other applications, it recommends a maximum level of -1 dBTP.
The loudness bargraphs, displayed in cyan in the factory presets, show the momentary loudness values for each channel using an integration time of 400 ms.
Practical Use
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